Friday, January 23, 2009

Quite an accomplishment!

My precious kindergartener finished Math-u-See Primer this morning! I can't believe we're only half way through the school year and she's DONE with her math book! I've got some other things she can work on (Singapore Math) while we wait for her Alpha book to come in. I'm so proud of her, she totally excels in math. It's so interesting to see the differences among my own children, how they're SO different in their strengths and weaknesses. It really keeps me on my toes to adjust my teaching style to their specific needs.

We're going to dinner at a friends house this evening and we're going to bring something very cool I saw on another blog a while ago. It's called Broken Glass Jell-O. I've got all the ingredients, all we have to do is to do it. What a fun, rainy-day project!

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