Thursday, January 22, 2009

The first post is always the most difficult.

I've debated whether to use my current homeschooling blog for this, or whether to start fresh here...I guess this is where I've landed.
I've been homeschooling my children for a year and a half now, they're in grades K and 1st. I've been very interested in Charlotte Mason's philosophy of education and truly feel it's the best fit for my family...although, like most homeschoolers, I do sometimes go out on my own to do what I deem appropriate for my family.
My goal here is to keep a listing of what we're learning and what we hope to learn, to outline our "schedule" not only for my benefit, but also for the benefit of other homeschoolers like myself who like to think outside the boxed curriculum. I've followed some curriculum outlines I see online, but generally I have picked and have chosen from what I deem the "best" of what I've seen and have compiled it into our own, custom Charlotte Mason education. I hope to share our lesson plans, details of what we're learning (maps, photos, etc.) in order to help anyone interested enrich their teaching experience! I hope to expand this to include many interesting resources and insights, but I tend to be crazy at times and do too much too fast, so I'm taking this one slowly, letting the Lord lead me and see what amazing things and people He leads me to.

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